What attendees say

These are the genuine  words of a few our attendees not ours :- Many more can be found on our facebook group

"Bridlington Spa Weekender"

(1) Bridlington Spa Weekender | Facebook

Once again guys  another great weekend it just gets better ....    Ian  Yorks

I have been visiting  Brid since your very first weekender at the 3Bs  12 year now  .. what can i say  but many many thanks for the memories   . notts team

wey hey ECSC   .. four year now  i cannot believe i left it this long to attend after hearing all the great reports   thanks  KTF 

hey  you soul lovers  did you know in a poll of weekenders on a number of facebook groups  you came up the number 1 in every poll  . what does this say about the way you do it      JD  lancs

I always  look forward to my fix of the Spa Bridlington  and meeting up with my old mates        Addie

The best weekender by a country mile the weekender that keeps on giving  Den  lancs


Just recovered from last weekend.. for me itโ€™s still the best soul weekender in the country.. 


I want to say thanks to all the guys for asking me back again to play for you lot.. 


Tim Fletcher.. what a fitting Tribute to one of the finest men to ever walk this earth. Thanks to John and Martin for asking me to play in memory of Tim. He would have been so proud. 




Well what can I say.  I have been coming to Bridlington since 2015. As the years have gone by. it just gets better and better. Music across the board for everyone. My husband and friends love R&B I spend the whole weekend in the Modern room, where I have met some amazing people. The Djโ€™s are off the scale too. This has and always will be the best weekender of the year. Hopefully see you all next year god willing๐Ÿฅฐ 




 Another Bridlington weekender passed by too quickly 

But what a weekend the sun shone for us all 

The choice of music in all the 6 rooms I'm sure something for everyone's tastes

Thanks for our invite to the club room once again hope you enjoyed what Steve Davidson & myself played in the session 

Massive thanks to the organising  team for another well organised event 

Bar staff , security all playing their part in making this the top weekender 




Like Billy, just coming round after a brilliant weekender, yet again.                                               'No gimmicks just 100% NORTHERN SOUL and related IN 6 ROOMS' 

An honour to have been asked to play some records in the Rare Room for 3 nights, packed with like minded people, so did not see much of the main room, but boy it must be every DJ's dream to play there. What a superb setting!  Have seen some videos and it looked awesome! 

Well done to the organisers, a well run and smooth trouble free weekend, they even provided the sunshine.

Get that accommodation booked up soon, I've got mine sorted, already the no vacancy signs are there for some properties.



 wanted to echo comments others have made, first visit to the Brid Weekender for my wife and I. Couldnโ€™t fault it the venue staff, the DJs, the facilities, the Security team were all great. Spent Saturday afternoon in the Main Room, and the evening in the Modern Room (with the odd dip into the R&B room) and listened to some great music. Fully intend to be back next year. Thanks to everyone involved in putting this event on.



Good morning my Bridlington Spa friends, well what a brilliant Weekender and this place never fails from the D. J.S  right through to the Bar Staff, Security, Promoters ect, here are some photos that were taken whilst at Bridlington.




Well, I am in reflective mode now that everyday life at the grindstone has returned. It is a week ago today that the adventure, that was, "Something New To Do 15" Bridlinton Soul Weekender started at the Revelstoke warm up night  .

And what a great weekender it was! Saying hello, the smiles and the lovely greetings of seeing so many old friends once again. And the meeting of many new friends. Thank you's have got to said to Robert Wigley, Ecsc Rob Wicks and Pat Brady for their fantastic efforts year in, year out for the organizing of this truly wonderful event.




I would just like to thank the security staff and first aiders at the venue, my mum twisted her foot in town (no, not on the dancefloor,phew!) and they have been wonderful with her, ice packs, bandage and checking over her constantly, so thank you for looking after her this evening, from the Pritchard family of North Wales, ever grateful ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ’–


Diane and Don 


Our fourth time at Brid - took us over 8 and a half hours to get home to Cornwall ๐Ÿ˜ฑ. With no holdupsโ€ฆ.  Really loved the addition of the Reggae/Ska Room on Sunday afternoon. Hope you have it on next year too. Always love the RnB room; always packed so sometimes we couldnโ€™t get in to it unfortunately- should have got in there earlier ๐Ÿ˜ Many thanks again to the Promoters, and the lovely Security and Bar Staff too. Great Weekender.




It was our first soul weekender and we loved it ! When is the next one?




Absolute amazing Weekender thankyou to the organisers, DJโ€™s, staff, security it was awesome seeing so many friends from around the UK so many memories made. look forward to doing it all again nextyear xx




Well I have too say... it was over too soon!! Absolute blast as always, fab venue, dj sets & like minded people ๐Ÿ’ฏ roll on June 2024 ๐Ÿ’–



A big Thanks to Rob,Pat,and Rob..all the Girls & Boys on the door..Bar staff,spa staff..every Dj and my lovely Friends for anouther Brilliant weekend..hope lots was raised..Till next year

Best weekender 2024๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ’™โค๏ธ




Great to see people attending the weekender like myself, with various disabilities  and having a good time. In my case  iโ€™m a great believer in the power of music to override the neurons problem and it certainly enabled me to have a few dances again, unnaided, WOW the power of Soul music.

Thanks to all for organising and making the event again a fantastic successโค๏ธโค๏ธ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž




What an amazing time we have had at the Spa weekend. Fantastic music, excellent organisation and perfect venue. Well done to all involved.




We've had a Brilliant time at the Bridlington Weekender and it's been great to see so many friends and faces we haven't seen in a long time..

The Cleethorpes Session on Saturday afternoon was Special... Martyn Ward took it to another level with an amazing set.




Just landed home after such a fantastic weekend itโ€™s been brilliant from start to finish brilliant Friday afternoon picking up wristbands and dancing to billy spot to leaving last night to there was a time made loads of happy memories with old and new friends so big thank you to everyone involved canโ€™t wait for next year ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿป๐Ÿ•บ




Thanks for a great w/end to all involved promoters DJs and staff at the spa not forgetting the security for keeping us safe




Another Bridsoul over! Massive thanks to Pat, Rob and Rob plus all the other helpers on the door etc. Once again I have to say the Modern Room was the place to be all weekend (imo obviously!!) See ya next year๐Ÿ˜€




Well I have too say... it was over too soon!! Absolute blast as always, fab venue, dj sets & like minded people ๐Ÿ’ฏ roll on June 2024 ๐Ÿ’–




You always know you've had a blinding weekend when you are still in recovery mode the following Wednesday. Brid Spa is just a jewel in the Soul Calendar. John Parker in the R&B room and Daryl Scott in the Modern Room did something very special this year. Roll on 2024. To all involved in facilitating this event you have the greatest of respect and admiration. Ta... that's Yorkshire for thanks ๐Ÿ‘




Home from the BEST weekender of the year, canโ€™t believe its just gets better, to all inc security and bar staff thank you, loved all rooms ,,,  motown was great,,, but SPECIAL shout out to the ska/jamacian on sunday was SUPERB,,,,,




Our first Brid Weekender what a great experience.   Lovely atmosphere didnโ€™t want it to end.   A Big thank you to our friend Diane Layton for getting us the tickets you were amazing.  Both of your sets were excellent.  Also a huge thank you to the organisers and all DJโ€™s you did an amazing job.




My sister Diana Flint retired from the NHS after 45 years as a nurse earlier this year. Unbelievably it was only then that we discovered a mutual love of Northern Soul music.

So this weekend we attended the Bridlington Spa Weekend event.......absolutely fantastic. We're absolute beginners to the Northern Soul scene at ages 63 and 58 but wow what a great network this is. We'll definitely be back.



(Tongue firmly in cheek)


Right it's got to be said!

As soon as I entered the Spa,

frigging security were happy smiling faces!

FFS,Didn't nobody tell them there supposed to be miserable and offensive!


Cafe,bollocks,that's a really nice cup of coffee,?I don't want a bun,I don't want a bun, 

'anything else sir'?

Flapjack please,I say as I dribble down my chin.

This is nice music,what a view.


Move on,I'm getting soft,I'm out to moan!


Bottom of steps,frigging hell,they were only making sure we couldn't fiddle it by checking us again,how the fxxx can I bring my talc and booze in?

Bollocks,have to put brass into venue now!

Whats all that about?


 Shiny well informed brochure with interesting articles,when am I going to get chance to read that? 

Wow,some fabulous dj's on here,could be in for a treat.


Record bars,FFS,they are cheap,

there goes the beer money,.

don't tell the wife how many of these bargains I bought,and why are the sellers so nice and friendly?


Club room,FFS,why are the beer staff so efficient and friendly?

For once I don't begrudge having a few beers.

Shit,I'm having to dance as the music is just so good.

There goes my smart white shirt.


Go for walk about,trying to avoid the big roomed gorgeous floor that's inviting me to dance.

Everywhere I look I recognise faces I've seen over the year at different venues around the country. 

FFS,everyone is here,including those I don't like๐Ÿคญ

Plus there all smiling and laughing. 


Hmm food bar,I'll checkout that later.


Bar staff eliminating queues very quickly,and what a magnificent dance floor,plenty of people,well accommodated with seating and tables.


Toilets clean and functional.


Modern room packed,delivering some quality tunes,even the bar staff dancing along ๐Ÿ˜‰


Upstairs to rare room,love it,really liked.

Tune upon tune.

Obviously my favourite room.

Bar staff absolutely brilliant,smiling and so attentive. 

Sunday my wife was off it due to a bit of food poisoning from a dodgy meal at a nearby pub(but it was cheap)

We sat in the chill out room beside,the bar staff came out with fresh water to assist her complaint!


I ignored her and just danced away to the fabulous tunes being played.


The merchandise sellers stalls were quite good,

I bought a t.shirt and the seller threw in a car sticker for free๐Ÿ˜‰

All because I didn't expect to be dancing so much and didn't bring a change of clothes!


R and B room was really good,the dj's were so informative and delivered excellent sets.


So bottom line,why have I written this viewpoint?

I was expecting to be basically taken for a ride,such is ones experience of such events. 

I was prepared to have a right good moan.


This weekender was brilliant,professionally organised,focused on the customer experience and to be totally honest,delivered on every level. 


I think the most important bit for me is that the amount of monies raised for a magnificent charity,instead of lining someones pockets and ego!


It's a great experience,fabulous music,brilliant venue,cracking atmosphere,fantastic support from the whole administration and to be honest,you are not wanting for anything. 


What a lovely way to raise the brass.

Bluebell wood charity hospice. 

Read into it,you don't need me to say the importance of such a beneficiary.

Face it,we along with our families have done well to get this far,some haven't!

Get your hands in your pockets and donate as a show of appreciation for such a wonderful organisation. 


If your still of a negative opinion,

I challenge you to visit your local hospice to see the importance of there work. 

When I visited one,sadly,several times,

I must admit it changed my perspective on life on so many levels. 


Thank you for taking the time to read.


Right,better get next years event booked๐Ÿ˜‰



Another fantastic weekend at the Spa. Loads of brilliant people as usual, but, for me, the overall standard of the music played was absolutely out of the park. The sound systems also seemed a touch better than in some previous years (certainly in the R&B and Rare rooms), which made it all the better. Already booked for next year. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ




Just got back from another quality night in the modern room.  The music has been spot on all weekend,all the djs were superb,found the reggae last night a bit odd though but it didn't detract from the atmosphere.  Well done to all involved, proper modern room that never disappoints, same time ,same place next year. X




Home after an amazing weekend which was amazing as always.

It is so special to meet up with friends old and new, with likeminded people who posses a good old community spirit and a love for our long standing community.

Our party celebrated a 10th wedding anniversary and a 70th birthday which made the weekend extra special for us.

To all involved in the planning, execution and service provided to us who attended thank you.

To all that attended see you on a dance floor somewhere soon. โค๏ธ




Thank you Rob for the tickets, all the Scots crew had a fantastic time. Just wanted to crongulate all of you for such a well organised event that brings something for everyone  .Definitely have to echo all the positive comments about the security staff and bar staff . All of them star's and no massive queue at bar. Thanks for putting on a fantastic weekend x

Our crew have managed to get to Brid this year our first m but boy what have we been missing  you guys know how to put an event together so well run see you again 2025
